Monday, July 8, 2013

From the beginning...again

First of all my name is Lian, and this year has been one of ups and downs for me and all I can hope is that I am on the uphill part instead of the downhill part lol.  My intention of this blog is to try and keep track of my thoughts and feelings along with a running total of my continuing battle with my weight/weight loss. I don't expect anyone to read this, but if someone does I hope it either gives someone hope or the chance to relate, the last thing I want is hate. Hate happens when someone isn't happy about themselves and they find something to make someone else miserable in a way to make themselves feel less sufferable. Well I will try to make this post short.

My name is Lian, I am 35 years old, recently divorced, and of this morning I weighed in at 426.8 lbs. My weight has been fluctuating a lot these past few years. Last year I tried weight watchers in an attempt to try something, anything that could possibly work. The first month was awesome I was dropping weight at a good rate, I lost 27 lbs and then I hit the brick wall. After that it was an ongoing battle just to loose 1-2 lbs, was constantly yo-yoing, finally got to the point I was not entering any of my information on my weight watchers plan. I didn't cancel it until about a week ago, I finally figured I should not keep paying for something I was not using. I even cancelled a few other things I was not using that truthfully I was tired of paying for. Think of paying every month for a box just to sit on your shelf, you know its there, and you could use it at anytime but it never appealed to you to actually use it.

Along with my weight I have hypothyroidism, which I think has a bit to do with my lack of a metabolism. I am pre-diabetic, have PCOS, and now quite possibly parathyroid disease. So in a nutshell I have a shitload wrong with me, but I guess if you can pick one and work on that before tackling the next, you might be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel right?
I have my first official appointment with my new endocrinologist on july 15th, have heard good things about her. And right now the one thing I want is to find a way to shed this weight.

I plan on going back to the gym soon, at least it was a start. My first goal is going to be a tiny one, but very manageable: a loss of 5lbs. So I am looking to go from the 427 to 422. It can happen, done it quite a few times. Ok so wish me luck. I'll will try to update as often as I can

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